Know More About the Youth Ministry

Monday, December 23, 2013


After seeking God through prayer and fasting,
the Church of God - Dasmariñas PCMC, leaders, workers and volunteers gather
together for a feast to thank God and look forward to a greater year ahead
in making the vision a reality.

"Alone, we can go farther
But TOGETHER we can go further!"
Achieving the vision cannot be done on your own,
every part of Christ's body must work together, every big or little piece
to complete the work, and ultimately, bring Heaven here on Earth.

This occasion was made more special by the Ordination of our Ptr. Gary Yalung.
He has been fully given to the work of the Lord,
and had been blessed to bless the new generation:
the Youth, and the Young Adults as their Ministry Head.
Sacrifice, Commitment, and Focus, the words of our Senior Pastor for our Ptr. Gary,
which prepared him and prepared all of us to the 2013 that was.
This year, limits have challenged us, we have been shaken, yet, when we LIVE THE WORD
we challenge our limits to crumble and fall. For the Word is Jesus Himself, and
the power of the Word is the Holy Spirit inside us.

May this Word live on, and encourage us to function well in the Body, the Church,
for the coming years and beyond:
 For as the body is one and has many members,
but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, 
so also is Christ.
-1 Corinthians 12:12

Our TOP 09 of 2013: 15th Workers' General Assembly

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